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Kevin Fan Hsu is a Lecturer at the and the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Stanford University. He has also taught courses in Urban Studies and International Policy Studies, and co-founded the Human Cities Initiative. From 2018-2021, he led the Resilience/Sustainability Research Cluster at the Centre for Liveable Cities in Singapore, a division of the Ministry of National Development. He concurrently served as a research fellow at the Urban Redevelopment Authority, the nation's land-use planning and conservation agency, where he developed digital tools for sustainability.

Kevin was formerly an urban scientist with The Walt Disney Company, bridging the study of cities with sustainable energy infrastructure, community mobility, and human-centered design, including several projects based out of the company's locations in Shanghai and Hong Kong. While in China, he was a member of the Urban Land Institute executive committee in Shanghai. He is interested in how urban sustainability maps onto efforts to protect heritage and promote cultural continuity.

Kevin earned a Master's in Civil & Environmental Engineering (Atmosphere/Energy) and undergraduate degrees in Earth Systems and International Relations from Stanford University, as well as a Master's in Cultural Heritage Management from Johns Hopkins University.

As head of Skyship Design, an educational design studio dedicated to crafting innovative experiences for students, he developed projects such as "International Women's Health and Human Rights", the first Stanford open online course (also known as a MOOC) to be offered in both English and a foreign language (in Chinese, via China's XuetangX platform) with Anne Firth Murray. He created the country of Norway's first MOOC for a global audience, entitled "What Works? Promising Practices in International Development" and designed "Democratic Development" featuring Larry Diamond. It is still affectionately called "the Democracy MOOC."

Kevin has commented on political and cultural affairs for Ketagalan Media, the South China Morning Post, and Foreign Policy magazine. He is past president of the Stanford Asian Pacific American Alumni Club and received an Alumni Award from the Stanford Asian American Activities Center.

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